April 11, 2024

Ways to Protect Your Business From Bad Debt

Ever feel like you're working hard but not getting paid? Maintaining a healthy cashflow is pivotal for the survival and growth of any company.
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Ways to Protect Your Business From Bad Debt

Ever feel like you're working hard but not getting paid? 

Maintaining a healthy cashflow is pivotal for the survival and growth of any company. One of the most significant challenges businesses face in achieving this balance is bad debt expense—an issue that can quickly drain financial resources and hinder operational efficiency.

The good news is that you don't have to be stuck holding the bag. This blog post is your shield against bad debt. We'll explore easy-to-understand strategies to keep your business financially healthy. Identifying trustworthy clients, communicating invoices clearly with payment terms, and exploring solutions like invoice factoring to close cashflow gaps are all topics we will cover in detail.

What is Bad Debt and Why It Matters

Before we dive into the good stuff—how to prevent bad debts—let's understand why it's such a financial foe for businesses. Imagine this: you complete a project and send an invoice, expecting payment within your set terms. Weeks turn into months, and that money you were counting on to pay bills or invest in growth is still missing.

These bad debts typically occur when accounts receivable are not collectible, often due to customer bankruptcy or disputes. Unfortunately, this unpaid debt creates a domino effect. It disrupts your cashflow, making it harder to cover expenses like payroll or rent. Delayed payments can also strain relationships with suppliers and vendors, potentially impacting your ability to secure future resources. In the worst-case scenario, bad debt expenses can even force a business to close its doors.

The key takeaway? Bad debt expense is a serious concern, but the good news is that it's largely preventable! Let’s explore practical strategies to safeguard your business from this financial headache.

Strategies to Mitigate Bad Debt Expense - REV Capital

5 Tips & Strategies to Mitigate Bad Debt Expense

  1. Diversify Your Customers: Avoid Overdependence

Before extending credit to a customer, take a moment to get to know them. Think of it like checking references before hiring. Here are some ways to assess their financial fitness:

  • Credit Checks: Like checking someone's credit score before renting an apartment, consider running a credit check on potential customers, especially for larger transactions. This reveals their past payment history and overall financial health.
  • Ask Around: Reach out to past customers of this potential client and inquire about their payment habits. A good reference can be a gold mine of information.
  • Set Limits for New Clients: Especially for those without a long track record, establish spending limits. This minimizes your risk in case of late payments and allows trust to build gradually.

  1. Crystal-Clear Invoices: No Confusion, No Excuses

Communication is key! Make sure your invoices are clear and professional, and outline your payment terms upfront. Think of them as detailed instructions for your customer on how to pay you. Here's what to include:

  • The Basics: Your company info, the customer's info, a unique invoice number, and a breakdown of the services or products provided.
  • Due Date and Payment Options: Clearly state when the payment is due and offer convenient ways to pay (online payments, bank transfers, checks).
  • Late Fees: While not required, outlining late fees can encourage on-time payments. Just make sure these fees comply with local regulations.
  • A Thank You: A simple "thank you for your business" goes a long way in building positive relationships.

  1. Gentle Reminders: Don't Be Shy to Follow Up

Don't be afraid to follow up on late payments. Sometimes, a friendly reminder is all it takes to get a customer back on track. Here's how:

  • Automated Emails: Set up automated emails that politely remind customers about outstanding balances and due dates after invoices become overdue.
  • Pick Up the Phone: For invoices significantly past due, consider making a friendly phone call to check-in. Maintain a courteous tone and inquire about any issues causing the delay.
  • Keep Records: Document all communication attempts, including emails and phone logs. This creates a clear record for your reference and can be helpful if collection efforts become necessary.

Three coworkers review paperwork together

  1. Make Paying Easy: Deposits & Payment Options (H3)

Sometimes, late payments are due to inconvenience. By offering diverse payment options, you can make it easier for customers to settle their bills on time. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Deposits for Big Jobs: For certain services or high-value orders, requiring a deposit upfront demonstrates the customer's seriousness and reduces your risk.
  • Multiple Payment Methods: Offer a variety of convenient payment options to cater to different customer preferences.
  • Early Payment Discounts: Consider offering a small discount for early payments. This incentivizes customers to settle their bills quickly, improving your cashflow.

Read more: 5 Easy Steps to Improve Your Billing Process

  1. Invoice Factoring: Proactive Invoice Management 

Invoice factoring, or accounts receivable financing, can be a helpful financial tool for businesses struggling with slow-paying customers. Here's a simplified explanation of how it works:

  • Selling Your Invoices: Invoice factoring involves selling your outstanding invoices to a third-party company for immediate cash at a discount. This can be a lifesaver if you're facing cashflow gaps due to an outstanding accounts receivable.
  • Fees and Considerations: Invoice factoring companies charge fees for their service. Weigh the benefits of immediate cashflow against the associated costs. Consider this option as a short-term solution to bridge cashflow gaps, not a long-term fix for bad debt.

Bonus Tips to Crush Bad Debt

We've covered the essentials to fight bad debt, but let's add some extra muscle to your defenses.

  • Be a Bookkeeping Boss: Regularly check on the accounts receivable balance to catch late payments early. Consider using accounting software to easily track your finances.
  • Collections Policy—A Clear Plan: Have a plan for collecting overdue payments. This should outline late fees and the steps you'll take to get paid, including legal action as a last resort. A clear plan discourages late payments and helps you recover what you're owed.
  • Business Insurance—A Safety Net: Explore credit insurance, which acts like a safety net. It can partially protect you financially if a customer goes bankrupt and can't pay their debts.

How REV Capital Can Help You Fight Against Bad Debt

By following these tips and staying alert, you can significantly reduce bad debts and keep your business finances healthy. Remember, being proactive is key! Build your financial fortress to shield your cashflow and keep your business thriving.

REV Capital is your front-line defense, not just another service provider. With invoice factoring, companies can enhance their liquidity without waiting for payment terms to elapse. Put the burden of chasing down your customers on us and get paid immediately. 

Protect your business from bad debts so it can thrive. Contact our team today.

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