Manufacturing Factoring

Industries >

Full Steam Ahead with Factoring

Get your products out the door and into the hands of your customers without waiting weeks or months to receive payment.

Why Invoice Factoring for Manufacturing?

Move As Fast As Your Inventory

Bridge the gap between the “now” demand for your products and the “then” supply of getting paid by factoring with REV.

Alleviate cost pressure and meet constantly changing demands

Getting your products out the door and into the hands of your customers can sometimes mean waiting weeks or even months to receive payment. Meanwhile, your company has invested time, labour, and money in production. This waiting period puts pressure on your business and can limit your ability to grow and respond to changing demands. For manufacturers feeling the squeeze, factoring is a unique financing tool that can free you from cashflow issues.
Alleviate Cost Pressure & Meet Constantly Changing Demands - REV Capital
Flexibility To Move Products & Make Decisions - REV Capital

Get the flexibility you need to move products and make decisions

By getting your invoices paid on the same day that they’re issued, you can instantly purchase more supplies, pay your staff, and keep your manufacturing business operating at full steam. To learn more about how invoice factoring can help bring your manufacturing company to the next level, contact a REV Capital Client Relationship Manager today.
Manufacturing Company Diversified Its Client Base - REV Capital

Streamlining Success: How this manufacturing company diversified its client base by using extended payment terms as a sales tactic.

"Head and shoulders above the other factoring companies we previously worked with."
When ASSC, a manufacturer of industrial boxes for large multinational companies across North America, was faced with a cash crunch that presented a significant obstacle to ASSC’s growth they found themselves short of a crisis...

FAQs About Manufacturing Invoice Factoring

What is manufacturing factoring?
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What are the benefits of manufacturing factoring?
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What percentage do factoring companies take?
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Onboarding With REV

What You Need To Get Started

Some information about your business
Tell us a bit about your business and customers. We've probably served your industry before, but every business is unique! Like most financial institutions, REV requires standard KYC documents such as Articles of Incorporation, Business Licenses, IDs, and Financial Statements.
Basic details about your invoices
In order to purchase an invoice, REV requires the same documentation that your client needs in order to pay. This usually includes the invoice, confirmation, and proof of service.
A signed application form
Filling out an application couldn't be simpler. A few quick questions stand between you and cashflow freedom!


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B2B service provider
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Creditworthy debtors
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Clear audit trail
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North American customers
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Monthly volumes up to $10 M
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No consignment sales
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No pre-billing
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No liens on A/R
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No warranties
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No progress billing
Getting started couldn’t be simpler. Some changes are hard.
This one is easy.
Get Funded

Learn More About Manufacturing Factoring

Manufacturing Factoring Complete Guide - REV Capital

Invoice Factoring

January 9, 2023
Manufacturing Factoring Complete Guide
Equipment Financing - REV Capital

Business & Finance

May 9, 2023
How Does Equipment Financing Work?
Negotiating Better Payment Terms With Suppliers - REV Capital

Tips & Tricks

June 14, 2023
How to Negotiate Better Payment Terms with Suppliers

Not Convinced Yet?

Find out how your business can benefit from factoring by connecting with us. We speak English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian.
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