June 1, 2022

REV Capital Celebrates Fifth Anniversary with Innovative Rebranding Strategy

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REV Capital (formerly Revolution Capital) is on a mission to reinvent factoring.TORONTO, ON (June 1, 2022) – Revolution Capital, the leading provider of factoring and cashflow financing in Canada and the United States celebrates five years of rapid growth! To commemorate the occasion, the company is rebranding to REV Capital.“We are so proud of our history and all that we have accomplished in the last five years. Our new branding recognizes our past whilst being more representative of our future. Under the REV banner, we will strive to reimagine the future of cashflow,” said Loren Shifrin, CEO of REV Capital.REV Capital has further modernized and refocused its mission statement: “To Reinvent Factoring”The company has developed six foundational pillars that will help ensure that its mission is achieved, and that REV Capital becomes synonymous with the future of the factoring industry as a whole:

  1. Invest in Technology: Create industry leading technological innovations that focus on efficiency optimization and data analytics.
  2. Question Status Quo: Never accept current state as acceptable and constantly strive to improve in all areas.
  3. Set Industry Standards: Lead the industry by setting the bar for honesty in pricing, speed of funding, and quality of service.
  4. Promote Education: Actively articulating the benefits of factoring through internal training, external communication, and marketing initiatives.
  5. Reach New Markets: Explore untapped markets and attract wider range of companies across diversified industry sectors.
  6. Frictionless Funding: Implement efficiencies to the funding process with the goal of completely eliminating the time elapsed from invoice issuance to receipt of payment.

Michael Lukhton, CFO at REV Capital adds “It’s good to look back at all that we have achieved in the last five years: 6 acquisitions, 7 offices, 1200 clients, over 5 billion dollars funded. We are very excited to see how much we can accomplish in the next five years.”


REV Capital is a rapidly growing financial factoring and asset-based lending company with seven offices across North America. They are leading providers of trustworthy, transparent, and reliable cashflow solutions that provide clients with financial stability and opportunities for growth.

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